Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Clock hours? and Apple Stamps Lesson Plan

One of the many many requirements to enter the Special Education program at Western Michigan University is "thirty clock hours of experience with person(s) with a disability". I'm the type of person that, when given a vague instruction, goes a little crazy with my ideas. I created a schedule, an evaluation paper, and a documentation sheet before I figured out I just need a professional to sign off that I completed the hours.

Thankfully my children's special education teacher agreed to take me on and she will never know just how much paperwork I planned to dump on her!

Wednesday was my second day of getting experience in a special education classroom.  It was incredible. I got to practice my very rusty sign-language "skills".  The student I worked with is a total charmer. He got a kick out of helping me with signs and he did so with grace and humor.  I think he will make an excellent teacher someday.  For the last hour of my time; we set up the Christmas tree.  We cut bells out of felt and decorated them with glitter, twisted pipe cleaners into reindeer and candy canes, and strung bells on a length of plastic.  It is a bit haphazard but still among the most beautiful Christmas trees I've ever seen.

My time spent in this classroom has just made me hunger for a class of my own all the more.

Since this has been a week a firsts for me it seems appropriate to share my very first lesson plan.

Apple Stamps Lesson Plan

1 comment:

  1. Are you talking about my former sign language student? My best memory... "yelling" at him in sign language that you can't use your middle finger to gesture at people when he was repeatedly doing it to kids at recess!
