Friday, December 30, 2011

Grades, Graduation, & Graffiti

I had a nightmare last night.  I was checking my grades and one of my professors changed my 4.0 to a 3.0.  I woke in a panic and immediately checked to assure myself it was only a dream. 

And then the bad news... I was double checking (alright maybe quadruple to the fifth power checking) that I had everything I needed to graduate this May and I noticed you can only graduate if you have 9 or fewer credits remaining; otherwise you have to wait until next May to participate in the ceremony.  I am registered for 18 credit hours for the winter semester which will leave me 13 for my Associates degree which I plan to complete in the Spring/Summer semester.  So now I have a dilemma.  Do I take four more credit hours so I can go through the graduation ceremony? Do I stick with my plan to do 13 credit hours this summer and just skip doing the ceremony? Do I wait it out until next May and retake a few classes for better grades?  Ugh.

I've been working on PowerPoint presentations for my future classroom.  Right now I'm focused on different ways to make spelling fun. Unfortunately Google Docs doesn't keep my format so I had to convert it to pdf The pdf version is missing a page.  I'll share the pdf version here and if you would like a copy of the original PowerPoint I'm more than happy to send it to you.

graffiti spelling 

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